
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The 10 Commandments of Healthy Sleep

The 10 Commandments of Healthy Sleep – Mastering the Elements

Commandment 1: Reinforce your sleep schedule by waking at the same time every morning.  A regular sleeping schedule will serve as the foundation of your new, reconditioned sleep.  To solidify that foundation, avoid sleeping in on the weekends beyond one extra hour.

Commandment 2: Strengthen the association of your bed with sleep by avoiding in-bed activities.  Television watching, computer use, texting or talking on the phone, eating, drinking and even sex while in bed all weaken the association of your bed with sleep, so avoid them all costs.  Also, make your bedroom conducive to sleep.  A quiet, darkened and cool room with a temperature around 68 degrees that makes you feel safe is ideal.

Commandment 3: Reserve a time 30 minutes prior to bed completely free from mental, physical and sensory (light and noise) stimulation.  Avoid bright light and melatonin-blocking blue light from computer and television displays and wind down from the stress and activity of the day through soothing music, relaxation and meditation exercises or pleasure reading.

Commandment 4: Give your circadian rhythm the early morning light stimulation it needs.  A 30 to 45 minute dose of early morning light will help maintain your circadian rhythm (natural sleep/wake cycle) and prime your mind and body for sleep 16 hours later.  Enjoy a walk with your dog, an outside chore, outdoor exercise or breakfast by a window before 9 AM for optimal morning light exposure.

Commandment 5: Bed partners and pets may contribute to frequent awakenings that result in shallow and disturbed sleep.  Although you may feel a sense of comfort and well-being sharing a bed with a partner or pet, you need to decide what is best for your sleep and health. 

Commandment 6: Close the gap between going to bed hungry and going to bed stuffed with a light snack of complex carbohydrates.  Since both hunger as well as overeating close to bedtime can interfere with quality of sleep, a light late-night snack of complex carbohydrates is ideal.  Avoid stimulants such as sugar and high fructose corn syrup as well as nicotine late in the day and limit liquids to one cup within 4 hours of bed.

Commandment 7: Exercise 3 to 6 hours prior to bed for optimal relaxation and a lowered body core temperature that promotes quality sleep.  An exercise session 3 to 6 hours before bed initially raises body core temperature and then lowers it just before bed, offering the same sleep benefits as a hot bath taken 1 to 2 hours before bed.

Commandment 8: Avoid clock-watching during the night.  Set an alarm clock to eliminate concerns of oversleeping, try to relax and turn the face on any clocks away from you.  Paying attention to the time while trying to fall asleep can keep you from the relaxed and optimal sleep state.

Commandment 9: Avoid caffeine and alcohol within 4 to 6 hours of bedtime.  The clinical effects of caffeine generally last from 4 to 6 hours and alcohol before bed actually lowers the production of melatonin, a hormone in the body that regulates sleep. Alcohol consumption before bed also increases adrenaline, which may disrupt sleep throughout the night. 

Commandment 10: Take a 20 to 40 minute nap during the day.  A quick nap about halfway through the day can give you the refreshment you need, but limit daytime naps to 40 minutes so as not to damage your sleep at night. Keep in mind that daytime naps work best when all 10 Sleep Commandments are conditioned and in place. 

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