
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Jet Lag Remedies

Jet Lag Remedies

Jet Lag Tips to Help You Beat the Symptoms

Jet lag is a temporary disorder that results from the inability of the body to adjust to changing time zones while traveling by air, leading to a number of symptoms including:
  • Fatigue and general tiredness
  • Insomnia
  • Disorientation
  • Loss of concentration and drive
  • Headaches
  • General malaise
Fortunately, medical doctors understand the many symptoms of jet lag along with the remedies that offer relief from those symptoms.  Here are some jet lag remedies and tips that can help you beat jet lag and experience a more pleasant trip.

Melatonin is a hormone secreted by the pineal gland in the brain that is responsible for the circadian rhythm, or the internal body clock that regulates sleep and wake-cycles.  The role that melatonin plays in jet lag is significant, as sudden and excessive exposure to daylight during normal bedtime hours can disrupt the melatonin cycle.  The effects of jet lag and melatonin can occur in as little as a three-hour time difference.
Melatonin supplements are among the most effective jet lag remedies, helping the body adjust to new surroundings more quickly and thus reducing the effects of jet lag.

Strategic Sleep and Wake-Time Adjustment
Preventative jet lag remedies can also help you avoid or minimize jet lag.  By utilizing the strategic sleep and wake-time adjustment method, people can adjust their regular sleep and wake-time to the new time progressively for three days prior to traveling.  Remember to plan your sleep and wake-times based on the direction you are traveling.

When traveling west:
  • Go to bed and wake one hour later than normal on day one
  • Go to bed and wake two hours later than normal on day two
  • Go to bed and wake three hours later than normal on day three
This jet lag remedy should prepare and pre-adjust your body for the new western time zone.  When traveling east, apply the same strategy only go to bed and wake one hour earlier each consecutive day for three days prior to traveling.

Homeopathic Jet Lag Remedies

The following homeopathic jet lag remedies are available in health food stores, drug stores, airport convenient stores and some grocery stores, and may provide relief from specific jet lag symptoms:
  • Chamomilla
    • Emotional and mental stress
    • Sleeplessness
    • Impatience
    • Intolerance
    • Disorientation
  • Arnica
    • Sleeplessness and restlessness when overtired
  • Ipecacuanha
    • Intense and constant nausea
  • Bellis perennis
    • Sleep interruptions and waking mid-sleep
  • Lycopodium
    • Anxiety
    • Apprehension
    • Digestive problems, especially bloating and gas
Valerian is an herb used as a jet lag remedy to help people fall asleep at their desired time. Valerian is a non-addictive remedy that does not cause grogginess the following morning.

Feast and Fast-Day Alternating Diet
Beginning three days prior to departure, alternate feast and fast days, consisting of the following foods to synchronize and adapt your body to the new time zone:
  • Day One: Feast day - Eat predominantly high-protein foods for breakfast and lunch to stimulate the production of epinephrine, norepinephrine and dopamine in the body to remain awake and alert.  Eat carbohydrates for dinner to stimulate melatonin production in the body.
  • Day Two: Fast day – Eat light meals such as salads and soups to deplete the store of glycogen (muscle fuel) in the body and reset the internal clock.
  • Day Three: Feast Day – Follow the same guidelines as in day one.
  • Day Four : Fast Day –Follow the same guidelines as in day two and get as much sleep as you can until breakfast time at your destination.
Through proper planning and the utilization of these jet lag tips and remedies, you can help prepare your body for the time adjustment and minimize or even alleviate jet lag symptoms.

Disclaimer: These statements and products are not intended to diagnose, treat and cure or prevent disease. Always consult your physician regarding any sleeping disorders.

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