
Friday, July 1, 2011

The Future of Alarm Clock Technology?

Countless people struggle with their alarm clocks in the morning. Some roll over and hit the snooze while others sleep right through their blaring alarms. One popular method people use to conquer the morning alarm is to set multiple alarms, particularly including one that requires you to get out of bed to turn it off. What would happen if you took that same concept even further and set a string of alarms that goes all the way to the kitchen?

Picture this scenario. Suppose you woke up one morning to an alarm by the bedside, followed by one across the room at your computer desk. Then, suppose you heard another alarm in the den followed by a final alarm in the kitchen. Would that be enough to get you out of bed?

According to recent reports, the future of alarm clock technology may be just around the bend. Although only currently in the concept phase, companies are now developing Bluetooth enabled devices complete with mini speakers that feature a 3.5mm audio jack. Through the 3.5mm audio jack, customers can plug various Bluetooth enabled speakers into televisions, computers, tablets, smartphones, mp3 players and more.

The concept is simple. Just plug any one of the various Bluetooth enabled speakers into any 3.5mm audio compatible electronics around the house. At the time of the alarm, you reach over to turn off, say, the alarm clock by your bed, but the alarm continues to sound. Follow the sound of the alarm to your computer and then the living room television and so on and so forth until you are up and out of bed completely.

The concept behind this labyrinth of alarm clocks may sound appealing so some, but it does have limitations. In order for the Bluetooth enabled speakers to work in the living room, for example, you would need to keep your television powered on through the night. An obvious waste of electricity, this problem remains an issue unless companies can develop battery powered mini speakers.

Only time will tell if the future of alarm clock technology will put an end to showing up late for work. Other ideas for alarm clock technology are also in the works, such as creating electronic appliances such as televisions that are intelligent enough to have built-in alarm clocks and timers, which would help execute a similar plan.

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