
Friday, July 1, 2011

Understanding Restless Legs Syndrome and Treatment

Imagine a creeping, crawling, burning or aching sensation that drives you irrepressibly to get up and move around just to find relief from these abnormal feelings. Now, imagine feeling these sensations not only every time you sit down, but also every time you lay down to go to bed. Finally, imagine all of these sensations occurring even after you have fallen asleep. For a person suffering from restless legs syndrome, these sensations are not something to imagine, but instead a harsh reality.

While sleep scientists do not completely understand the causes of restless legs syndrome in most people, some with the disorder have an iron deficiency. For these people, one method of treatment that seems to work well is simply restoring normal iron levels. Restless legs syndrome could also occur due to a deficiency of the brain chemical dopamine, according to sleep scientists.

Regardless of the causes, people suffering from restless legs syndrome can find relief from their symptoms and prevent nighttime awakenings through 30 to 60 minutes of daily exercise. Doctors also recommend any person with symptoms of restless legs syndrome avoid smoking and limit both alcohol and caffeine intake.
Many doctors also recommend a warm bath before bed and massaging the leg muscles to block symptoms from occurring.

Still, even people who exercise daily, avoid smoking and limit alcohol and caffeine intake may still have symptoms of restless legs syndrome. For those who fail to find relief from their symptoms through these common treatment methods, prescription medication is a helpful option.

Prescription medications such as Mirapex and Requip restore dopamine levels in the brain and prove highly effective for many people suffering from the sleep disorder. Neurontin, another prescription medication used to treat restless legs syndrome, also helps people find relief from their symptoms.

Restless legs syndrome is a frustrating disorder that can affect the quality of your sleep and overall quality of your life. If you believe that you or someone you love is suffering from restless legs syndrome, visit a sleep doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

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