
Friday, July 1, 2011

You May Sleep Enough, But Are You Resting Enough?

Do you consider your body to be a machine that becomes dormant while you sleep? If so, then you are not alone, as millions of people think about sleep and the human body this way.

On the contrary, our bodies are continuously going through cellular renewal and rebuilding both when we sleep and throughout the day.

Without the benefits of renewal and rebuilding that sleep provides, our longevity, well-being and happiness are at risk.

Exactly how much sleep does the body require to get the rest we need for long and healthy lives? Experts, such as Dr. Matthew Edlund, known as the Rest Doctor in the United States, suggest more than eight hours of sleep a night.

In his book, “The Power of Rest: Why Sleep Alone is Not Enough,” Edlund points out the common misconception regarding sleep and the importance of not only sleeping, but resting as well.

According to Edlund, there are many forms of rest to consider, including mental, physical, social and spiritual rest.

Now, we know that rest is important and that there are different types of rest, but exactly how does a person actively rest?

The difference between sleep and rest is that in order to sleep, one must first rest. On the other hand, one does not have to sleep in order to rest. Furthermore, a person can rest and remain alert, while a person who is sleeping is without the alertness that individuals who are awake possess. Finally, an individual who is asleep will have bodily motions and functions that are slower than those of a person who is simply resting.

Dr. Edlund recommends walking to the rhythm of a favorite song in the middle of the day to actively rest, especially when you find that your energy is beginning to wane.

Another important resting formula created by Dr. Edlund, which he refers to as FAR, states that Food should be followed by physical Activity before we Rest. The reason that this formula is so effective is because it respects the natural rhythms of the body. In fact, Edlund has helped many of his patients achieve optimal rest and wellbeing through this formula, and has helped many others achieve a healthy weight.

Rest is so vital to your longevity, wellbeing and happiness that it offers the same health benefits as a healthy diet and physical activity.

To ensure that you are doing everything you can to improve your overall health and lifespan, remember to not only get enough sleep, but also enough rest.

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