
Friday, July 1, 2011

What Causes Snoring?

We all know how snoring sounds and experience it from time to time, but exactly what causes snoring? Although a number of factors can contribute to snoring, the act of snoring itself is related to a physical obstruction of the flow of air through the nose and mouth. Obstructed nasal airways, poor muscle tone in the throat and tongue, bulky throat tissue and a long soft palate and/or uvula may cause the throat to vibrate during breathing, resulting in the sound of snoring.

The Potential Dangers of Snoring

Snoring is the most common sleep disorder and affects approximately 45% of adults. While excessive snoring is often thought to be a problem for just the sleep partner of the affected person, it can also be a sign of a more serious health issue. If you or someone you love has a severe snoring problem, it is important to be evaluated by a physician to rule out sleep apnea, asthma, allergies and other medical conditions and sleep disorders.

In many cases, snoring is an isolated issue and not associated with any medical problem.

Snoring Treatments - How to Prevent Snoring

Now that you know what causes snoring, you can learn how to prevent snoring. There are a number of non-surgical snoring treatments available, including:
  • Snoring pillow – One of the easiest and most comfortable snoring remedies is the snoring pillow. There are many types of snoring pillows available, but all are designed with the same goal in mind: to help reduce snoring by cradling the head in a position that improves air intake.
  • Nasal sprays – Stuffy noses can exacerbate snoring. There are several over-the-counter homeopathic nasal sprays that contain ingredients shown to help open nasal passages at night and reduce snoring symptoms.
  • Humidifier – Dry nasal passages can worsen snoring. Add moisture to the air with a humidifier.
  • Snoring chin strap – This snoring treatment helps stop mouth breathing. A snoring chin strap forces you to breathe through the nose during sleep.
  • Nasal strips – Nasal strips can open up your nasal passages and help relieve snoring in people who snore primarily through their nose.
In addition to the snoring remedies above, adopting some lifestyle changes can also make a difference:
  • Lose weight – Weight loss can reduce fatty tissue in the back of the throat and help decrease snoring.
  • Quit smoking – Yet another reason to kick the habit. Smoking irritates the nose and throat membranes, which can block airways and cause snoring.
  • Avoid sleeping on your back – One of the easiest snoring remedies is to try sleeping on your side. When you sleep on your back, your tongue falls back and can block part of your airway.
For more severe snoring problems, like those caused by sleep apnea, snoring surgery may be necessary.
If after trying these snoring remedies, you still have snoring problems, consult with your doctor or visit a sleep center for professional diagnosis and snoring treatment.

Disclaimer: These statements and products are not intended to diagnose, treat and cure or prevent disease. Always consult your physician regarding any sleeping disorders

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